When the weather starts to heat up, it is important to stay cool and stay hydrated in order to protect your health and well-being. Extreme heat events, more commonly known as heat waves, are one of the leading weather-related causes of death in America. In high temperatures, the body is designed to cool itself naturally via sweating, but in some cases, this is not enough, and an elevated body temperature can negatively impact the brain or other organs. Let’s look at some ways the human body reacts to heat and how your local pharmacy in Powell can help you combat extreme heat.
One of the most dangerous ways that heat can affect your body is heatstroke. This occurs when you cannot regulate your body temperature, which can elevate to over 104 degrees. When suffering from heatstroke, your skin will feel warm and dry, and you may begin to feel confused or agitated. It is common to have a racing pulse, nausea, and headaches. If you believe that you may be suffering from heatstroke, it is essential that you cal 911. When untreated, heatstroke can be life-threatening and can induce seizures and coma. After calling 911, sit in a cool place and sip a cold drink if possible. Placing an ice pack under your arms and between your legs can also be beneficial to help reduce your temperature. Your local pharmacy in Powell is a great place to stock up on ice packs to keep on hand over the summer.
When it gets hot, the body’s natural reaction is to sweat. However, if you get extremely hot and are sweating excessively, you may sweat away too much of your body’s fluid. This means you will also likely lose some essential minerals such as sodium and potassium. When your body starts to get dehydrated, you will be incredibly thirsty and may be unable to urinate. Your tongue will feel fuzzy, and you might feel dizzy and disorientated. If you experience these symptoms of dehydration, it is best to sit in a cool area and drink a rehydration solution that contains balanced levels of sugar and salt. Rehydration drinks are readily available at your local pharmacy in Powell. In the worst dehydration cases, you may need iv fluids. If possible, it is best to avoid getting to the stage of being dehydrated. The easiest way to do this is to drink plenty of water on hot days or when doing a lot of physical activity.
Check out some of the best times to make a habit of drinking some water:
- When you wake up, you should replenish your body after a long fast during sleep by drinking some water. Add some lemon for an additional boost!
- Whenever you sweat, you need to rehydrate with some water. This includes during exercise, after being in a hot tub or sauna, or simply being outside on a hot day.
- When you take a flight, the air becomes drier as the altitude increases. It is a good idea to drink lots of water during the flight.
- You can help combat the midday slump many of us feel by drinking some water instead of turning to caffeine which might actually make you more tired!
- When you have a headache, it can be a sign that dehydration is beginning to set in. Increasing your fluid intake can help to keep headaches at bay.
- If you have a tough day ahead and need to stay focused, it is important to make sure you are well-hydrated. Why? Well, your brain is almost three-fourths fluid. When you are not hydrated, the blood vessels in the brain shrink, affecting memory and attention span!
Heat Rash
Sometimes when you sweat a little more than usual during hot and humid weather, your sweat glands can get blocked. This results in small red bumps known as heat rash. These will commonly be found in the armpits, the groin, the back of the neck, elbows, behind your knees, and under the breasts. Wear light, loose clothes to try and stay cool in order to prevent heat rash, and try to stay cool and dry as much as possible. Cool showers or applying a cold compress to the affected area can help to reduce the swelling. You will want to avoid greasy lotions or moisturizers, but aloe vera gel can offer a cooling effect. You can purchase aloe vera at your local pharmacy in Powell.
Whenever your skin is exposed to the sun for too long, it can burn. Aside from the skin turning red and being hot to the touch, it can also get itchy and blister. When sunburn is severe enough, it can also cause headaches, fever, and nausea. It is also important to remember that extensive exposure to the sun can also result in an increased risk of skin cancer. To protect your skin from harmful UV rays, make sure you stop by your local pharmacy in Powell for sunscreen.
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