The internet is a great thing, isn’t it? Especially now that smartphones have put almost unlimited information right there in our pockets. However, this isn’t always a good thing! There are some situations where online information is a poor substitute for proper training. For example, Google is not a substitute for the knowledge of the trained pharmacists at your local pharmacy in TN!. One other situation this applies is when administering emergency first aid. While you may find some great advice online, you likely won’t have time to find an accurate and comprehensive tutorial in an emergency situation. That’s why everyone should take the time to learn at least some basic first aid tips and, if possible, learn how to perform CPR. As a local pharmacy in TN, we have picked up a few do’s and don’ts of first aid over the years and thought it would be helpful to share them with you.
1 - Do Always Ask Permission
Have you ever heard of the Good Samaritan Law? This law is designed to protect individuals who administer first aid in emergencies. While Tennessee law only requires that you act in good faith and do not accept payment or gifts in exchange for your services, it is still wise to seek the victim’s consent before administering first aid. If they are unable to respond, in most cases, consent is implied. The Good Samaritan law will protect you from most personal injury claims as long as you don’t attempt treatment outside your sphere of knowledge. For example, breaking someone’s rib while performing CPR would be acceptable, but breaking their leg trying to treat an injury would not!
2 - Don’t Start CPR Immediately
If you need to perform CPR, the situation is obviously an emergency. However, before starting CPR, it is advisable to contact the emergency services first and foremost. On average, it takes 7 to 14 minutes for emergency services to arrive at an emergency call out. It is helpful to make sure the professionals are on their way before starting CPR. The call handler may even stay on the line to offer some coaching through the procedure. Someone else could make the call while you prepare to get started.
Pro Tip - When performing CPR, it is important not to bend your elbows. This wastes energy, and you will tire quickly. Keep your arms straight, engage your back and shoulder muscles, and leverage your body weight to perform chest compressions more efficiently.
3 - Do Roll the Patient Onto Their Side
Unless you suspect neck or spinal injuries, you should always roll a patient onto their side. This is the best way to prevent them from choking on fluids such as blood or vomit that might otherwise obstruct the airway. The official recovery position is always best, but even just laying them on their side can be helpful if you don’t know the recovery position.
4 - Don’t Remove Blood-Soaked Gauze
If you have applied gauze to a wound, but it has continued to bleed soaking through the fabric, do not be attempted to remove it and apply a fresh pad. Instead, you should simply add additional layers of gauze, keeping an even pressure on the wound. If you try to remove the blood-soaked layers first, you could disrupt the blood clotting, so they are best left alone until professional help arrives.
Pro Tip - Gauze is an essential item in any first aid kit. It is extremely versatile, and in a situation where excessive bleeding is present, a gauze pad secured with medical tape is more effective than a bandage. You can pick up various different sizes and thicknesses of gauze at your local pharmacy in TN.
5 - Do Replace a Knocked-Out Tooth
When someone loses an adult tooth in an injury, the priority is protecting its root. As long as the patient is conscious and breathing well, try placing the tooth back into the socket. If it is dirty, you can rinse it off first but do not touch the root or submerge the tooth in water. If the tooth does not sit in the socket, it can either be held in the patient’s mouth - with them taking care not to swallow it - or you can place it in a glass of milk. It is vital to seek emergency dental treatment in no longer than 30 minutes for the best chance to save the tooth.
6 - Don’t Give Ipecac for Poisoning
Have you got a bottle of Ipecac that you purchased from a local pharmacy in TN? If so, don’t be tempted to use it if you are tending to someone that has possibly been poisoned. While Ipecac will induce vomiting and empty the stomach, it won’t remove the poison itself, and in some cases, it can even react unsafely with certain poisons. Vomiting could also carry traces of the toxin to other areas causing more damage. The best course of action is to call 911 for assistance and monitor the patient until help arrives.
If you are thinking about taking some first aid classes to brush up on your emergency first aid knowledge, it may also be an excellent time to put together a first aid kit to keep in your bag or car in case of emergencies. You can pick up all of your supplies at your local pharmacy in TN.
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Vaughn Pharmacy is a local, family-owned pharmacy serving the community in Powell, TN. Specializing in providing personalized and attentive prescription programs to our patients, we believe you are more than just a number – you’re part of our family!
(865) 947-1581